groucho marx duck soup mirror scene Duck Soup [HD]: Groucho Marx, Harpo Marx, Chico.
Marxology - Duck Soup - The Marx Brothers.
During the winter of 1932-33, Groucho and Chico was also working with Flywheel. He wrote about an orginal typewritten copy of the first treatment for Duck Soup, which he had .. The famous mirror scene with Groucho, Harpo and Chico.
Marx Brothers (click to enlarge) Groucho, Harpo, and Chico Marx (credit: The. A scene in Duck Soup finds Groucho, Harpo and Chico all appearing in the famous . The three are indistinguishable, enabling them to carry off the "mirror scene". Duck Soup [HD]: Groucho Marx, Harpo Marx, Chico Marx, Zeppo Marx:. The film's denouement involves a battle scene which represents the. including the lemonade seller confrontation and the mirror pantomime, make this.
Meanwhile, Firefly's personal assistant, Bob Roland (Zeppo Marx) suspects Trentino's. [edit] Mirror scene In the "mirror scene," Pinky, dressed as Firefly, pretends to be. Although its appearance in Duck Soup is now certainly the best known. once by Firefly, and would be repeated by Groucho in A Night at the Opera.
Jul 13, 2011. Duck Soup (1933). Groucho Marx in the role of Rufus T. Firefly.. oft-imitated “ mirror scene” – in which Harpo (dressed as Groucho) pretends.
Duck Soup - Buy, Rent, and Watch Movies & TV on Flixster.
groucho marx duck soup mirror scene
groucho marx duck soup mirror scene
Marx Brothers 5 Best Movies of All Time - Yahoo! Voices - voices.DUCK SOUP / MONKEY BUSINESS | American Cinematheque.
Nov 5, 2012. Groucho Marx's explanation for the title of Duck Soup.. with ones perspective and view of the picture, and that is the infamous mirror scene.
Marx Bros.. Introduction by Groucho Marx's grandson, Andy Marx.. DUCK SOUP. With the legendary mirror sequence and Harpo and Chico's mercurial harassing of. Includes the famous scene where all four try to get through customs by.
A pointed political satire, Duck Soup is the Marx Brothers' funniest and most insane film. .. The film's denouement involves a battle scene which represents the .. Marx are found in this film: (1) The mirror sequence between Groucho and.
Duck Soup featured Groucho and Harpo Marx in a now famous mirror scene: in an empty hallway, Harpo would mime to be the reflection of Groucho, confusing.
1 Year, 100 Movies #60 Duck Soup (1933) - Scene-Stealers.
Nov 5, 2012. Groucho Marx's explanation for the title of Duck Soup.. with ones perspective and view of the picture, and that is the infamous mirror scene.
What's the Big Deal?: Duck Soup (1933) -